Here’s What You Need to Know!

Do you have to have prior experience as an official or have played the game before?

No, you do not have to have prior experience, or have even played football to be an official. While it will help if you have some general knowledge of the game, you will receive training throughout the year.

How much does it cost to get started?

While this cost can vary from person to person, most official gear vendors have start-up packages that range from $99.00 to $200.00, depending on your preference. Normally the first week or two will pay for any uniforms you purchase and dues you have paid. 
   Chapter Dues: $35.00 (waived for first year officials)
   State Dues: $40.00 New Members   $65.00 Renewal  

How much does it pay?

Sub-varsity: pays a flat fee per game played, depending on the minutes of the quarter. 
   $45.00 – 8 minute quarters or less 
   $50.00 –  10 minute quarters or less
   $55.00 – 12 minute quarters or less
 –Varsity: pays a percentage of the gate receipts from that night’s game.
 –Mileage is paid for travel to and from the game sites.

Do I have to call on Thursday and Friday nights?

In order to officiate varsity level football you are required to call sub-varsity games. We do understand that family emergencies arise and work may impact this at times. We want every official on the field when available.   

What if I become injured during a game?

Once you become a TASO member (by paying your state dues) you will receive TASO insurance that covers you as an official while traveling to and from game sites and during the game itself. 

What schools will I officiate for?

 –Sub-varsity: the sub-varsity assigning secretaries generally try and keep you close to your hometown as a convenience to you. There are times you will have to travel short distances for sub-varsity assignments depending on where help is needed. 
 –Varsity: Your varsity schedule is assigned to you depending on the coaches draft that is held in conjunction with the Tyler Chapter. This is typically held in March. 

Where are meetings held?

Depending on the type of meeting, meetings are held locally in Carthage, Longview, Mt. Pleasant, and Texarkana. If the meeting is a combined chapter meeting (all members need to attend together), those meetings are held in Ore City, TX. Meetings are typically held 2 times a month during the season on either Mondays or Tuesdays.